What fruit should eat in winter


The winter climate is dry, and eating more fruits helps to replenish moisture, which is good for the body. The fruit contains a variety of nutrients needed by the body to help regulate metabolism and increase resistance. So what fruit is good for winter?

What fruit is good for winter?

Eat apples in the winter, spleen and diarrhea

One apple a day, the disease is far from you. So no matter which season you eat fruit, apples are the first choice. Apple is sweet and flat, slightly salty, non-toxic, and has the effects of thirst, spleen and diarrhea, and stomach reflux. People who eat more apples are far less likely to have a cold than those who don't eat or eat apples, so winter consumption is best.

Eating strawberries in winter contains a lot of trace elements

The strawberry meat contains a lot of nutrients such as sugar, protein, organic acid and pectin. Strawberry is also rich in vitamin B1, vitamin B2, vitamin B3 and iron, potassium, zinc, chromium and other essential minerals and some trace elements.

Eat mangosteen in the winter to cool down

Mangosteen enjoys the reputation of “Queen of Fruits”. Mangosteen has the effect of reducing dryness, cooling and relieving heat, which makes the mangosteen can be dry and hot. In addition, mangosteen is also rich in protein and lipids, which has a good nourishing effect on the body.

Eating kiwi in winter is rich in vitamin C

Kiwifruit is known as the “king of fruit” because of its high vitamin C content. The kiwifruit alias is also known as kiwifruit and super fruit. Its calcium content is 2.6 times that of grapefruit, 17 times that of apple, and 4 times that of banana. The content of vitamin C is twice that of orange. Therefore, its nutritional value far exceeds that of other fruits.

Eating grapefruit in winter lowers cholesterol

Grapefruit is a typical southern fruit with a bitter bitterness in sweet and sour, rich in juice and a lot of vitamin C. The natural pectin contained in it can lower the content of cholesterol, help the absorption of calcium and iron, and can stagnate the stomach and quench the thirst.

Eating hawthorn in winter to enhance digestion

The mountain is also the red in the mountains we often say. Hawthorn is rich in flavonoids and a large amount of vitamins, which can effectively prevent the formation of free radicals and enhance the body's immunity. Hawthorn sweet and sour is a good medicine for appetizing digestion and enhancing digestion. Eat hawthorn often, you can live longer!

Eat jujube, nourish blood, soothe the nerves

Fresh jujube is rich in vitamins, especially a large amount of vitamin C, which can promote the conversion of excess cholesterol into bile acids. In addition, the jujube is sweet and warm, and it is still a good product for nourishing the blood and soothe the nerves! Jujube contains a large amount of vitamin C, which is an effective antioxidant that not only maintains the elasticity of the skin, but also inhibits and blocks the formation of melanin in the skin. What is the best fruit to eat in winter?

Eat olives in winter, eliminate phlegm

Some people say that olive is the fruit of heaven. The flesh of olives is rich in calcium, and fresh consumption is beneficial to the human body. Olives are sweet and sour, flat, can clear away heat and detoxification, eliminate phlegm and phlegm, moisturize the lungs, especially suitable for autumn and winter.

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